Thursday, January 14, 2010

Doll house was built for my oldest daughter. I am the short one in the picture. This house was built from a kit. The only change was the door. I made it to be opened and shut. Of course, I did the decorating: curtains, curtain rods, rugs, hardwood floors and base boards, furniture, lamps and etc. I made everything inside, plus little pillows and I painted paintings that were hung on the walls.


Brian, Missy, & Coco said...

Seeing this made my day. I have this dollhouse and will for a lifetime because it was made with so much love and creativity. I still imagine living in a big version of it in real life someday. Thank you for sharing!

Life's Beautiful Path said...

Missy, thanks for peeping in. Yes, I am glad you still have a piece of our past Victorian dream. Love ya. Have a great week-end!