Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nicole's doll house was found at a yardsale. Lots restoration had to be done. Creating a pattern and restoring some of the gingerbread trim took time. I removed wall paper and repainted. I made pillows, rugs, furniture, quilts,wall paintings and curtains. I have always loved doll houses and grandaughters.

I had three articles published about a local lady who owns a museum filled with doll houses and miniature items.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Society of Craft Designers: I joined this group after I finished
my first book. Today, a book I need to find a publisher for.
The subject is more popular today than when I finished it.
I submitted to several publishers. They liked it , but
at that time the market wasn't ready for it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Doll house was built for my oldest daughter. I am the short one in the picture. This house was built from a kit. The only change was the door. I made it to be opened and shut. Of course, I did the decorating: curtains, curtain rods, rugs, hardwood floors and base boards, furniture, lamps and etc. I made everything inside, plus little pillows and I painted paintings that were hung on the walls.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I have always enjoyed creating something from words to castaways.
I am not a shopper and have always lived in or near the countryside.
This has helped me to create and use what I had at home and the nearby countryside.

I will share what I have designed and created: doll houses,
doll furniture,garden crafts, recycled items, greeting cards,
holiday crafts, toys and other items.
I have written two unpublished books: Countryside
Arrangements (Collecting and designing with instructions.
Photos included), and 
Making Doll Furniture and Accessories(Patterns,
illustrations and photos).